4 Reasons To Work With Twilo

Meet the team

Like you need any other reason than... US!

People do business with people they know, like and trust, so with that in mind we’d like to give you a bit of an insight into the people behind Twilo Creative. We’re a team of Designers, Developers and Digital Marketers – The 3D’s if you will. Here’s an insight into what each of us do day-to-day and a few of our favourite things chucked in for good measure…


Amy working

What’s your name and where d’ya you come from?

Amy Hodgson, from Oxford now in Hemsworth.

What does a usual day at Twilo look like for you?

A usual day for me at Twilo is scheduling social media posts, writing blog posts and maintaining social media strategies for clients.

What has been your biggest challenge at Twilo?

My biggest challenge has been creating the correct content for Twilo’s social media. I’ve tried to keep it interesting but also wanting to let followers have an understanding of what we do.

What is your favourite type of project to work on?

I enjoy writing blog posts for our clients, I like learning more on topics on the blog pieces and more about our clients businesses.

Tell us one thing that makes you happy…

Animals (mainly dogs).

…and one thing that makes you sad.

McDonalds don’t deliver.

What’s your favourite TV series of all time?

Nailed It.

If you were a boxer, what song would you choose for your ring walk?

Help – The Beatles.

Where is your dream holiday destination?


Tell us a joke…

Why didn’t the skeleton go to prom? Because he had no body to go with.

Can you tell us something we might not know about you?

I have a phobia of injections.


matt working

What’s your name and where d’ya you come from?

I’m Matt, born in Huddersfield, now living in Leeds Leeds Leeds.

What does a usual day at Twilo look like for you?

Being a designer/developer I usually have a few website projects on the go – usually all at different stages. One day I may have my creative hat on and spend the day designing a new website, other days I’ll be knee deep in code turning those designs into finished websites.

What has been your biggest challenge at Twilo?

Funnily enough my first day at Twilo was actually my first day in any office for almost 10 months! I had spent the previous 9 months travelling India and South East Asia, so getting my head back into work mode was quite a challenge. Luckily things did fall into place quite quickly, mainly thanks to the support and TLC of the great team here.

What is your favourite type of project to work on?

Larger projects that push my creativity and test my skills, especially where the client and I have a similar focus on the importance of design.

Tell us one thing that makes you happy…

Playing guitar.

…and one thing that makes you sad.

Other people’s faces when I play guitar.

What’s your favourite TV series of all time?

Has to be Breaking Bad, not a huge TV fan but that was one great show.

If you were a boxer, what song would you choose for your ring walk?

Leftfield – Phat Planet.

Where is your dream holiday destination?


Tell us a joke…

The barman says, “We don’t serve time travelers in here.”
A time traveler walks into a bar.

Can you tell us something we might not know about you?

I produce music in my free time and had a 2 track EP released earlier this year.


simon working

What’s your name and where d’ya you come from?

My name is Simon Crow, I come from a small village called Kellingley.

What does a usual day at Twilo look like for you?

My usual working day consists of building algorithms for a multitude of different purposes, from a product data feed to finding the fastest route to a node in a graph. I also help to build front end modules for our designers to use and improve the security of our different web platforms.

What has been your biggest challenge at Twilo?

Learning to work efficiently and correctly when building websites and web apps.

What is your favourite type of project to work on?

Laravel Web Apps as they are the most challenging from a technical side of things.

Tell us one thing that makes you happy…

Doing outdoorsy things, building fires, making things from nature.

…and one thing that makes you sad.

Not being able to get close to nature.

What’s your favourite TV series of all time?

I’ve never really had one, I did once sit down and watch all 5 shows of Star Trek in a summer though.

If you were a boxer, what song would you choose for your ring walk?

Kingdom of Madness by Magnum.

Where is your dream holiday destination?


Tell us a joke…

Why was the JavaScript reality show cancelled after only one episode?
People thought it seemed scripted.

Can you tell us something we might not know about you?

I forge knives and swords in my spare time.


wayne working

What’s your name and where d’ya you come from?

I’m Wayne and I’m from Manchester! *audience cheers*

What does a usual day at Twilo look like for you?

Get in, clear out my inbox, catch up with everyone and check all projects are progressing, 8 hours of omg I don’t know what’s happening right now, and finally getting work done.

What has been your biggest challenge at Twilo?

Finding time to do everything that needs doing in a business such as growing (and crucially maintaining) a team of likeminded and talented people while building relationships with clients, managing projects and hitting deadlines, maintaining a high standard of work and attention to detail, attending meetings, keeping on top of admin duties, “playing mum” (as a client just recently commented), making sure everyone is OK etc, etc, etc…

What is your favourite type of project to work on?

We’ve recently completed a Booking System and Order Portal for two different clients. In both instances the client was recording important data on paper. We’ve replaced this old fashioned way of working with user-friendly web apps that move that data to the cloud so nothing can be lost, it’s backed up nightly and any changes to bookings or orders are paired with an employee’s login so the business owner has full traceability. On top of that we’ve drastically reduced the amount of paper these businesses were using.

Tell us one thing that makes you happy…

Couldn’t possibly pick one thing, I’m pretty much content with everything and always feel lucky.

…and one thing that makes you sad.

Animal cruelty.

What’s your favourite TV series of all time?

Sons Of Anarchy.

If you were a boxer, what song would you choose for your ring walk?

Royal Blood – Little Monster.

Where is your dream holiday destination?

I’d like to travel through the States more out of curiosity than anything else.

Tell us a joke…

Comic Sans walks into a bar. The bartender says “we don’t serve your type here”.

Can you tell us something we might not know about you?


So now you know a bit more about us…

Why not give us a call or come in for a coffee, we’d like to know a bit more about YOU!

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