Adding Christmas Spirit To Your Social Media

It’s shown that the typical household spends £2,000 a month, however that amount increases by £500 in December.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Decorations are lighting the streets, the piles of gifts under the trees are getting bigger and we’re half way through the Christmas film list. It’s shown that the typical household spends £2,000 a month, however that amount increases by £500 in December. Everyone is more giving and thoughtful this time of year, they want to find their family and friends perfect gifts for the big day and they look everywhere to find them including social media.

Just because the Christmas season is here, it doesn’t mean that you should promote less on social media, if anything you should be posting more! People use social media to get ideas for Christmas presents for themselves and their loved ones, if they see an offer that has a Christmas related image as the background the odds of them buying it are higher than any other campaign. There are plenty of things you can do to add some Christmas spirit to your social media pages.

Facebook & Twitter

  • Add a festive cover photo, this will encourage the people that go on your page to continue to look on there. When someone sees a festive image it will bring them joy and they’ll know that they are in the correct place to search for Christmas presents.
  • Post any deals you have on over Christmas, your customers and potential customers will want to know if they can get a bargain and they’ll want to see it somewhere that they haven’t got to go searching for it. Your posts should show on a lot of your customers news feeds if you get the correct information and hashtags in it.
  • Use special dates, posting about specific dates such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve and other national days like national candy cane day could increase engagement on your page and increase the number of followers you have.
  • Engage with your followers, if one of your customers asks you a question make sure you respond to them ASAP, if it’s in the comments of a post everyone will be able to see your response so keep it polite and helpful. If a user tags a friend in one of your posts, don’t be afraid to get involved and have a laugh with them, it’s nice to interact with customers without them asking a question to the business.


  • Hold photo competitions, a little friendly festive competition’s never hurt anybody. For example, ask your followers to take photos of their Christmas tree, or a pet with a Christmas outfit on, then choose the best and they receive a small prize.

  • Keep a Christmas theme on your profile, people engage more to Instagram profiles that have a theme. A theme doesn’t mean all your photos have to look the same, give them a similar colour. Over the Christmas period try and keep the images Christmas related.
  • Do a giveaway, people love free things, especially at Christmas time. Get a few of your business’s products together and ask your followers to like your page, tag 3 friends in the post and share it. This will be appreciated by customers, it’s a chance for you to give back to them while promoting your business.


  • Film a video on which of your business’s products you would recommend as Christmas present, record a simple 5 to 10 minute video of someone speaking about a few of the business’s product and why they would make the perfect Christmas gift for loved ones.
  • Get staff together and create a small vlog, this shows your customers that you are real people and you have personality, it lets them get to know you better. Ask your staff a mixture of questions from work related to the festive season.


We could go on all day with the different social media platforms and ways to add Christmas spirit to your profiles, here are a few extras you can try for other platforms.

  • Social Media only deals, advertise offers that you only post on social media, this could encourage people to follow you and interact with your page so they can keep up to date with any deals that you’re offering.
  • Give back to charities, for example let your customers know that you’ll give 10% of each order to a chosen charity. This will encourage people to shop with you if you’re giving to a good cause.
  • Add a personal festive hashtag, when you hashtag in your post it means that when someone searches that hashtag every photo that has it in will show up. If your business crease a personal one then others won’t use it so it will just be full of your business’s posts.

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