Joyful January

Here's our end of month review for January...


It’s amazing to think we are one-twelfth of the way through the year already, and probably not one-twelfth of the way towards out goals!

There’s so much going on with Twilo at the moment around workload and growth, it’s probably our busiest period to date. One of my personal new year’s resolutions was to avoid the exact situation we are in now, where the workload can be overwhelming and consume all of your time. It has to be more manageable throughout and that’s something to tackle in Q1.

We have a mammoth task of putting TEN websites live this February. For an agency of our size that’s a huge challenge, and so with that in mind, my end of month review will need to be short and sweet, but I hope to be back here in four weeks to show you all of the projects we’ve been working on!


This month has been interesting as I’ve been spending my days split between two very different website projects. The first of these was a functional e-commerce website, selling fairly niche products to the construction industry. The second was the opposite, a unique design lead showcase website for a forward thinking architects studio.

Design is always important, whether it’s obvious or not. As much time and thought goes in to designing a e-commerce that works great, as goes in to developing a creative brief for a unique showcase website. The challenges for the e-commerce website was to develop a platform that steered customers to the products that were right for them. To achieve this we developed an easy order system that allowed customers to answer a few questions, and the website then recommends which products they will need. This, along with a comprehensive help area including videos and product data sheets, gives the customer all the information they need to make a purchase. We also created a infographic style video to use for marketing the website and it’s products (see above).

In contrast to this, the architects website had a completely different purpose. We were focussed on creating the right feeling for the users, we wanted something creative and unique, and a great user experience. We decided on a website that had it’s content split into slides, which you flick through by scrolling, and on top of this we had a parallel recent news area, which you can flick across to using the unique frame navigation. It’s quite hard to describe (as I am just finding out..!), but this gives the website a seamless feel. This was big technical challenge, as it included features I had never attempted before. It was a great opportunity to push myself, and I’m pleased with the results, and happily the client is too.

Joke of the Month

What do you call bears with no ears?


Photo of the Month
We were't up at 5:30am to see the Blood Wolf Moon but the pictures are great.
And to end, here's something cool we've seen this month...

People from all around the world come to celebrate New Years Eve in London and this year was no different. Over 100,00 people attended the 2019 show where they saw 12,000 fireworks costing around £2.3 million explode over the River Thames. The fireworks lasted around 10 minutes allowing all the spectators to take it in and get some great photos.



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