Providing Regular Care For Your Website

Image Showing how web page speed optimisation can be improved

A guide to provide regular care for your website

Optimising Website Speed

As your website grows, optimising speed becomes important. Sluggish loading times make users leave the site. Google’s Page Speed Insight tool test helps in assessing speed and suggesting improvements. Dealing with oversized image files, a common culprit, is vital for swift loading. Since speed also impacts organic search ranking and mobile compatibility, ongoing assessment is important.

Ensuring Responsive Performance on Devices

With widespread mobile browsing, cross-device compatibility is a must. Ensuring your website displays seamlessly on different browsers and devices is crucial. Google’s Mobile Friendliness tool validates mobile performance, and optimising in this aspect is key.

Regularly Updating Your CMS

Maintaining up-to-date content management systems is an ongoing commitment. Regularly updating plugins and software is essential for sustained efficiency. Ensuring plugins like ACF and Yoast SEO are current guarantees seamless access to essential features.

Websites require consistent maintenance to uphold their peak performance. Routine checks aren’t just a recommended practice; they’re crucial to ensuring uninterrupted functionality and sustained growth.

As a website is a pivotal tool for most businesses, it is therefore critical to ensure that it is in top working order.